Monday, February 16, 2009

ISA, The Immoral Suppresion Act

What is the purpose of ISA, to ensure the nation security? I am sure that all Malaysian doubt that it has been use that way. ISA has becoming the weapon to suppress the public opinion.

Just look at the video posted back at Sept 2008, Syed Hamid is admitted that UMNO is using ISA to silent the opposing voice, even it is coming from a neutral reporter, while the party member, the originator of the racist "hoo haa", Ahmad Ismail, is free to roam because UMNO has the internal measure to punish him. What a joke, it mean that Syed Hamid is saying that ISA is UMNO's weapon and he admitted it on air. And also mean that all UMNO members can be above the law.

MP Teresa Kok was arrested under ISA is equally unjust. She was been accused to petitioned a protest of a loud noise from "azan" coming from a mosque, which has been denied by her and the "Ustaz" in charge of the mosque. ISA has been use to arrest her while the real trouble makers, Khir Toyo & the Utusan Malaysia, were safe and untouched.

Needless to say, we all know about Raja Petra and it is no reason that a blogger shall be detained under ISA.

By the way, if you really watch the video carefully and analyze what the "botak" is saying, you will be amazed by how stupid and arrogant the so called minister in Malaysia. We should be all ashamed.

Then, is ISA all evil and shall we abolished the ISA once & for all? ISA & NEP are the tools, it can be good & bad depend on the users. Use by the right people, it could be beneficial for all Malaysia. So, shall we throw away the tool because of someone don't know how to use it or abusing it? Maybe not, it is better to restricts the usage & limited the access with the right policy. Basically, the Royal, the Executor (PM & the cabinet) and the Judicial (Court & Judge) all should played a vital part in ensuring execution of ISA.

P/S: if you don't know, let me tell you this, in Malaysia, almost everything can be unilateral decided by the PM.

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