Sunday, September 26, 2010

Shooting at Sri Petaling

There was shooting in Sri Petaling just in front of the Sri Petaling Hotel today about 10am.  A man was shot by a policeman and according to the people around the man was threatening to someone and he maybe be a "Ah Long".

Anyway, when police come along, he was not back down and get into argument with the policemen.  In the attempt to running away, he was shot in the leg.  Even then he was keep shouting and cursing at the police while waiting for ambulance to transport him for medical treatment.

However, the actual story has to be wait till newspaper report.

Just check out the picture below.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

We must not allow Govt to prosecute Namewee

I may not agree with Namewee way of expressing but I am respecting his view.

Like it or not, it is Namewee right to voiced out his opinion.  Those who scared of another May 13th is coward, and you allowing the unjust and it made you guilty

Prosecuting Namewee is denying your Constitution right and it will come back to haunt you and your children eventually.

I am not supporting Namewee but I am defend our basic citizen rights and which all Malaysians should.

Malaysia has no place for racial parties anymore. Do you think racist parties can bring racial harmony to the country? Dream on.

And one more things be a good citizen, colleagues, friends, neighbors;

for non-muslim, go learn more about other races cultures and religions. I bet most of you has no understand what is halal and why it is important.

for muslim, go learn the truth of Islam, and stop listen of the half truth and outright lies from some of the so called religion authorities.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Mahatir's Vision 2020 VS Idris Jala's Bankruptcy 2019

Not longer ago, we are all talking about Vision 2020, when Malaysia will become developed country.  But instead we will be going into bankruptcy by 2019, what a joke.

If you all remember, our GDP growth is always on target (according to the gov't), so where on earth that Malaysia will become bankrupt by 2019?

Maybe the billions wastage & corruption are the answer to all the questions we have.

Also, I will love to hear what TDM have to says about this, what going to really happened to his Vision 2020.

Susidy Cuts VS RM500 Million Submarine Scandal

Susidy Cuts VS RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal

Susidy Cuts VS RM270 million Terengganu Stadium

Susidy Cuts VS RM2.3 Billion Eurocopter Scandal

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What the hell that BN think they are doing?

Really, what the hell that BN think they are doing now? Do they really think they are winning by screwing the system? Let us review what they have done so far:
  1. Anwar's Sodomy Trial 2
  2. Teo Beng Hock Death
  3. Federal Court overrule that Nizar is the legal MB of Perak
  4. Buying the MPs in opposition and try to over thrown Selangor & Penang Govt
  5. Deny Kelantan's right to the oil royalty
They have been using the judges, police, MACC, AG to do all the dirty work.  Do they really think the people are blind? We will just be submissive to them? Who the hell they think they are? God?

Those guys in BN, they are too out of reach with the people.  Anyway, whatever they do now only will drive to one single direction.  Opposition will get landslide victory in the next General Election.  Don't believe me? You just wait & see.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Setup MySQL on OpenSUSE 11.1

This is the guide to setup mysql on OpenSUSE 11.1, the steps will be slightly different if you are using other Linux distros, It also assuming you are using KDE 
  1. Application Launcher → Applications → System → Configuration → Install Software
  2. search “mysql”
  3. click on “mysql” and “mysql-gui-tools”, click Accept to install
  4. Open “Terminal”
  5. su -
  6. cp /usr/share/mysql/mysql.servera mysql
  7. chkconfig --add mysql
  8. You should see this:
    mysql 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off
  9. if not, the run the command below to make mysql run on runlevel 2,4,5:
    chkconfig --level 245 mysql on
  10. chown mysql:mysql mysql
  11. ls -al mysql
  12. You should see the below:
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 mysql mysql 11960 Aug 18 17:42 mysql
  13. cd /etc/
  14. cp my.cnf my.cnf.bak
  15. vim my.cnf
  16. Add in new lines under the
  17. cd /home/
  18. mkdir mysql
  19. chown mysql:mysql mysql
  20. mysql_install_db --datadir=/home/mysql/ --user=mysql
  21. cd /home/mysql/
  22. chown mysql:mysql -R *
  23. mysqladmin -u root password 'password'
  24. Now, you should able to log on via MySql Database Administrator gui to create new users & database.
  25. In the, Database Administrator gui, creatre schema; then create user and password “ermpassword”. Assigned all privileges in new schema to the user created
  26. Now you are goto go