Sunday, August 4, 2013

Google Map for iOS available for Malaysia

For those who missed the news, Google Map iOS is finally available for Malaysia back at June/July 2013. We can all finally says goodbye to "iLost"

Too many books out to make money with little or no value

These day there too many books out there to make money. Many local Malaysia writers has started publishing their own book, especially on investment and personal finance subject. However many of title has little value. Most information in the book can be easily be found with a click on google. 

Ok, there are many good genuine local writers as well but I just can't stay the pretenders. For the readers, like me, we need to be smart of selecting the right book and not wasting the limited budget on the valueless title.

How to value a book, non-fiction in particular? Here is some tips for you:

1) Don't misled by the book title. Read the table of content and see any of the chapters has anything that relevant and interest to you. 

2) Read the first few pages of the chapters that you most interested. Whatever you read there must be some new information to you. Or it must has connection to you that touches you.

3) Information inside the book should be personal or specific. General information & description is not worth the time and money for you. 

4) Result driven, think of what you can get out of the book. Inspiration, knowledge, action guidance, etc.

5) Select the book that matches your level of understanding of the subject. It is no point to buy a book you can hardly understand, it will likely end up collecting dust in your storeroom

6) Evaluate how much you can trust what the writers written. Most Author will exaggerate their experience and story. Whatever recommend in the book could very much a theory that never proven.

In conclusion, be a smart reader and don't be fooled and wasted your precious time and money on the junk that published just to make money from us