Tuesday, July 21, 2009


2 major BULL SHITS have happened in Malaysia recently.

First, DAP political aide Teoh Beng Hock was death and presumably caused by the MACC. Let examined the facts we know:
  1. He was fell from MACC building, not in his home.
  2. Some of his belonging is held by the MACC officers and part of his trouser was riped off
  3. He just a small potatoes and was only useful to use as "witness" to bring down the big guns. By himself, he has little value.
  4. Why MACC spend so much effort to investigate a RM2400 corruption case and ignoring Khir Toyol's multi millions corruption case?
So, what kind of BULL SHIT is happening in Malaysia now?

Second BULL SHIT, TDM still taking about racism again and accusing the non-malay taking away wealth from the malay. What a BULL, why not he clarified what and how much all the BN politicians have taken away from the people?

Malay or non-malay, who is really getting all the concessions from government? Corny, crony and corny. What the normal people like us has gained from this? Nothing, in fact, we are losing because all the concessions are subsided by our tax payers' money and just to remind you that all natural resources here are also belong to us, the people, the citizen. Not the politicians.

Are we, Malaysia citizen, still too stupid to realised the truth? Are we still caged in the "racist" paradigm? Malay are racist, and non-malay are equally racist. Are TDM have all forgotten what Islam taught him that all human being are equal before god?

So, the question is:
Are yous till have faith in politic? Believing in the Justice system? Believing in main stream medias? Believing in politicians?