But it get worse than that, how many time we have seen in the newspaper that the job positions or tenders are only restricted to certain race? Too many, infact it happened very day, just flip open you today newspaper, I am guaranteed you that you found at least a dozen.
Let me remind you that the racism in Malaysia has nothing to do with religion. Islam, Chrisianity, Buddhist, Hindusim and all other religions are against racism, but people are using it for political and personal gain.
Politicians like too been seen as religious and it is one of the corner stone to qualify as good leader. However, on the other hand they are making all kind of racist comments which is greatly against religion principle. Hypocrisy, of course, but it seem that most Malaysian are happily accepting it and even believing it. Can you tell people that you are good Muslim, good Christian and good whatever when you are hypocritical and acting totally in the opposite manner?
You be the judge ......