Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Why TMNet Throttle P2P?

Actually, the question should be why TMNet throttle P2P? It is really like what they claim that P2P download slowing down the internet connections?

The true answer is NO, it is not because it slow down the internet but rather the TMNet is unwilling to pay for the bandwidth. TMNet is paying for the bandwidth and since they can't control HTTP as it is the main protocol uses for web browsing; also, they cannot control streaming video and multimedia either. So the logical step is to control P2P to boost their earning.

According to article of interview with Danny McPherson, CTO of Arbor Networks, 70% of the internet traffic is on HTTP while about 20% is using P2P. If you do the math, if TMNet stop P2P totally, they actually saving the bandwidth cost and in term increase their earning by 20%. On the hand, if they claimed that P2P slow down the internet, it is true in certain sense but not till the point that it happened on TMNet network. It is no doubt that TMNet is having problem but refused to admit it and just take the easy way out and start blaming the users.

Have you ever wonder, what kind of corporation will blame the customers of their inefficiency and incapability? TMNet really earning themselves a bad rep. Monopoly is never good thing for the consumer, this real life incident has proven it again.

Monday, February 23, 2009

TMNET Streamyx Sucks, BIG TIME

Streamyx is the broadband offer in Malaysia, and it is basically the monopoly of the ISP as part of of the Telekom Malaysia. But monopoly never ever provide good service. How bad is the services of Streamyx? Ask anyone on KL street, they will tell you all about it.

Streamyx Sucks

IF you are unsatisfied with the Streamyx service, post the Streamyx Sucks Banner in your blog, website, email, MMS, anything, to express your anger.

Streamyx Sucks

IF you have a facebook account, join the facebook group http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=6562989046

Let all Malaysian help to promote the bad reputation of TMNUT to the international.


Free Accounting Software

I have found totally free accounting software and it called Free Accounting. (Obviously)

Anyway, you can click at the link here to download the software directly.

However, to make sure it is full functional after the 30 days trial period, you have to do the following. The built-in registration function is not longer working, so don't use it.

1. Click on one of the following links in order to download updated Free Accounting in zip file (2,8 MB) or executable FreeAccounting.exe file. (6,9 MB)

2. Save the file to your Desktop.

3. If you have downloaded FreeAccounting.exe.zip, first, extract the file to your Desktop (if you use operating system under Windows XP, please, download and install archiver for this).

4. Copy FreeAccounting.exe from your Desktop to the location where Free Accounting is installed (usually it is C:\Program Files\FreeAccounting\).

5. Once the file is extracted, right click on your Desktop and select New -> Shortcut from the context menu.

6. Click the Browse button on the first step of the Create Shortcut wizard.

7. On the Browse for Folder window navigate to the location where you copied FreeAccounting.exe file (which is usually C:\Program Files\FreeAccounting\FreeAccounting.exe) and select the FreeAccounting.exe file.

8. Once the FreeAccounting.exe file is selected, click the OK button.

9. Click Next on the step of the Create Shortcut wizard.

10. Give name to the Free Accounting shortcut (for example, 'FreeAccounting') and click the Finish button.

11. Double click on the FreeAccounting shortcut on your desktop in order to run Free Accounting version which will not require registration.

Then you are done and enjoy.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Have you ever seen rice that have been left out for 3 months?

Have you ever seen rice that left out for 3 months? Here is your chance to see how it look like:

The rice was cooked sometime at Dec 2008 and I have totally forgotten it. It is dumb, stupid and lazy me that never bother to check when cleaning up the kitchen.

Yeah, the white rice was turn into liquid form and it was black in colour.

There are maggots crawling inside and it is horrify to see.

Close up shoot of the Mr. Maggots

Now, you can't even differential the dried rice from maggots.

I need to buy a brand new rice cooker and will not be eating rice for a while.

The moral of the story is always clean up your act before you forget, else it will come back to haunt you. Advice from the dumb lazy me.


Monday, February 16, 2009

Why someone will force you to talk in BM, instead of English? Because you have no freedom to choose !

While reading an article on The Sun website, I was shocked by the fact that the writer has been questioned by Sepang councilor that why he is not speaking in Bahasa Malaysia and told the writer not to speaking in English?

Ok, maybe the councilor just do not understand English and too embarrass to admit that. Or maybe the councilor is worry that other attendees may not fully understand the issues discuss in the meeting by using English. Or maybe State Government meeting has become the only formal meeting in which Bahasa Malaysia has the chance to be use as official language.

But if that is the case, why that when other councilor spoken in English, the same matter was never raised? Maybe because the writer has no affiliation with any political parties, so he is the easy prey.

In many way, the conflict can be easily avoided if the councilor just ask the writer politely, to speak in Bahasa if possible. I would think that the writer will be more than happy to do so, instead of the embarrass him out in the open.

But back to the subject, why some will force you to speak in certain languages?

For me, the answer seems to be only one, that person is not comfortable to speak in other languages. In addition, the inability of make good conversation in English actually causes inferior complex. English has been seen as the language of choice by the higher class, in Malaysia at least. I don't have the statistic, but I believe the people that forces you not to speak in English are never educated oversea.

In the other hand, we have no freedom of speech in Malaysia with pseudo democracy system, why should no freedom to choose the desired language to express yourself is not one of the NOs?

Using PostgreSQL in JBoss AS as default database

In refer to the document on jboss.org, ChangeDefaultDataSource. Here is the simplified version.

By default, JBoss AS is using Hypersonic as the database. Although Hypersonic is good for development purpose but in the production environment, it is way more stable to use the enterprise level database, such as PostgreSQL. In this posting, we will discussing switching to PostgreSQL as the default database for JBoss.

To get started, first download and installed both JBoss AS and PostgreSQL. In our example, we are using JBoss AS 4.2.3 and PostgreSQL 8.2.

On PostgreSQL
  1. In PostgreSQL, login as postgres and create new user "jboss" with password "jbossrul3"

  2. Create new database "jbossdb" and assign owner to "jboss"

On JBoss AS

  1. Delete hsqldb-ds.xml on <JBOSS_ROOT>\server\default

  2. Copy postgres-ds.xml into <JBOSS_ROOT>\server\default\deploy\ from <JBOSS_ROOT>\docs\examples\jca

  3. Edit postgres-ds.xml to put in the appropriate value





    <new-connection-sql>select 1</new-connection-sql>

    <check-valid-connection-sql>select 1</check-valid-connection-sql>




  4. Add the following entry into <JBOSS_ROOT>\server\default\deploy\jms\jbossmq-destinations-service.xml, if you are planning use custom queue. You can named your queue to the appropriate name, I am naming it as mpgateQueue
    <mbean code="org.jboss.mq.server.jmx.Queue" name="jboss.mq.destination:service=Queue,name=mpgateQueue">
    <depends optional-attribute-name="DestinationManager"> jboss.mq:service=DestinationManager
    <depends optional-attribute-name="SecurityManager">
    <attribute name="MessageCounterHistoryDayLimit">-1</attribute>
    <attribute name="SecurityConf">
    <role name="guest" read="true" write="true"/>
    <role name="publisher" read="true" write="true" create="false"/>
    <role name="noacc" read="false" write="false" create="false"/>

  5. Delete <JBOSS_ROOT>\server\default\deploy\jms\hsqldb-jdbc2-service.xml

  6. Copy <JBOSS_ROOT>\docs\examples\jms\postgres-jdbc2-service.xml into <JBOSS_ROOT>\server\default\deploy\jms\

  7. Now, startup the JBoss AS, it should automatic create the required schema in PostgreSQL under jboss user and everything should be good to go.
Good Luck.

Howdy, democracy?

Many time, I just can't help myself and wonder do democracy really work? Democracy mean that the majority is ruling the country but if the majority is only razor thin, how will it work?

Once i come across a smart ass said that democracy is rule by majority with respect to the minority. That is pure bull shit. We can't even respect and agreed with people from our own camp most of the time, will you ever really care about people from the opposition?

Also, do remember that democracy is a very fragile system. Try make a guest, how many percent of the population you need to overthrow the government via peaceful demo? 50%? 40%? 30%? I would said you need far lesser than 10%. Imagine a country will 20 mil population and only 100k people demo in city centre. The pressure it created is so great that no one can ever ignore it.

So you not happy with your current government? Get the number and show them who is the boss.

We will never know the extend of the democracy system can accommodate till we pushes it to the limit. So, good luck.

ISA, The Immoral Suppresion Act

What is the purpose of ISA, to ensure the nation security? I am sure that all Malaysian doubt that it has been use that way. ISA has becoming the weapon to suppress the public opinion.

Just look at the video posted back at Sept 2008, Syed Hamid is admitted that UMNO is using ISA to silent the opposing voice, even it is coming from a neutral reporter, while the party member, the originator of the racist "hoo haa", Ahmad Ismail, is free to roam because UMNO has the internal measure to punish him. What a joke, it mean that Syed Hamid is saying that ISA is UMNO's weapon and he admitted it on air. And also mean that all UMNO members can be above the law.

MP Teresa Kok was arrested under ISA is equally unjust. She was been accused to petitioned a protest of a loud noise from "azan" coming from a mosque, which has been denied by her and the "Ustaz" in charge of the mosque. ISA has been use to arrest her while the real trouble makers, Khir Toyo & the Utusan Malaysia, were safe and untouched.

Needless to say, we all know about Raja Petra and it is no reason that a blogger shall be detained under ISA.

By the way, if you really watch the video carefully and analyze what the "botak" is saying, you will be amazed by how stupid and arrogant the so called minister in Malaysia. We should be all ashamed.

Then, is ISA all evil and shall we abolished the ISA once & for all? ISA & NEP are the tools, it can be good & bad depend on the users. Use by the right people, it could be beneficial for all Malaysia. So, shall we throw away the tool because of someone don't know how to use it or abusing it? Maybe not, it is better to restricts the usage & limited the access with the right policy. Basically, the Royal, the Executor (PM & the cabinet) and the Judicial (Court & Judge) all should played a vital part in ensuring execution of ISA.

P/S: if you don't know, let me tell you this, in Malaysia, almost everything can be unilateral decided by the PM.

Indah Water, the other pirate

Malaysia newspaper, The Star, has reported that Indah Water was fined RM50,000 for polluting river. We have been told that Indah Water is taking care of the sewerage and cleaning, filtering the waste till it is safe for the environment, but it has been proved otherwise. I am sure that there are many more unreported cases was covered up.

First of all, why we have to paying for a private company with services that we didn't even authourised in the first place. I don't recalled that I have signed any paper to enable them bill me twice a year. Whatever agreement between Indah Water and the government is not direct relationship with us, the citizen. I don't think that it is even legal for them to bill us. Unlike highway toll operator, we are not even given the choice not to use it.

For me, sewerage handling is one of the social responsibilities of the government. If the government is privatizing the sewerage, infrastructure, electricity, water and so on; we will be end up paying for it, on top of of taxes. Why should we be paying double? No wonder the pirate are so rich, they are basically eaten us alive.

Stay at Tanjung Inn, Cherating over Chinese New Year Holiday

At 5th day of Chinese New Year holidays, I have decided to go up the Cherating, Terengganu for a quick short break away from the city. As expected the well known hotels like Impiana Resort, Holiday Inn and Legend Resort are all fully booked. Anyway, I am decided go to the Kg. Cherating to try my luck, as you know, there are full of smaller hotel and chalets along the road of Kg. Cherating.

Since I have turn into the Kg Cherating, the first accommodation I saw was The Moon, it is built on the jungle, back-to-nature kind of theme. It look interesting, but I am not in the mood for adventure; therefore, I did not even ask there are any vacancy. Along the road road I found Residence Inn on my left and the Cherating Beach on my right. However, I did not stop to enquiry either.

Later, I have manage to see the shore line at my right, it is about 50m away from the road. Then I found a place called Ranting Inn which some nice chalet along the beach. Try my luck, but it is fully booked. It seem that it had been reserved by group of tourists from oversea.

Anyway, further down the road, after passed by some restaurants I saw a signboard of Tanjung Inn. I went in to enquiry and with luck, they still have one more chalet available with the price of RM55 per night. Later, I found out that it sued to be RM50 and the price has raised since lat year. But anyway, Tanjung Inn price is constant all year round, even in the peak season. So, it actually is a very decent place to stay.

The beach is about 50m away from the chalet and the man made lake is beautiful and clean. When you reach the beach , there are chinese seafood restaurant on your right and a beach bar at your left. Overall, it is a nice and quiet place for those love to get away from the stressful city life.

For booking, you can contact Kamal, a nice gentleman at 09-5819081