Friday, November 23, 2007

Different point of view!!!

Malaysian always can not come to agreement when talking about politic. Issues like whether Malaysia is Islam State, the NEP, etc.

I am very tired of hearing all this, not that I avoid it or don't care. But I know that we will not be come to agreement in another thousand years. I don’t think that there are right or wrong on this kind of issue but rather how we can compromise.

Many of us are afraid of losing our culture and identity but from the way I see it, we already lost most of it and we continue to do so. Why? Because when we are talking about globalization is not only in term of economy but also culturally and socially. Don’t forget that the nice D&G shirt and the LV handbag you carry now is not part of your culture either. The cross culture merging is inevitable whether you like it or not. Why not we take the best from others and blend it into something great that we can pass it to our children. Don’t forget that interracial marriage is on the rise too.

Forget about our differences, we are voting for better democracy system, not for a party or single person. It doesn’t matter who is the opposition, what is your race or what is your religion; all we need is the balance of power. At this point, BN is having the ‘almost’ absolute power. So, we need to come out and show to them who are the boss.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Fair Election???

I still not sure that if our country will ever have a fair election. Recently, a NGO has organized a gathering to demonstrate and to push for fairer election; However, even before it can be materialized, the request for permission of mass gathering has been rejected by the police. So much for the "democratic" country.

However, on the other hand, the "ruling party" is free to use any mean, including the TV, to promote their popularity. In my point of view, as long as the government has not been able to take over by the opposition parties, it is no way that our media can become independent and the corruption will continue, regardless what the so-called leaders says.

Without a proper check-and-balance measurement in place, there are no motivation for anyone to do so.

What can you do to help???

Come out and vote.

Made your voice been heard.

Show them that we, the people, are the boss of the country and not them. Whoever running the government is just the servant who was given the directive to do so.


Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I am seriouly considering to quit smoking. Not because of health or money but the ladies just keep running away from me and said that my breath and body smile awful.

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Open Tender Or Just for Show

We have percently finished one major tender with the tender value of almost 10 million. Anyway, we've lost it and not due to the shortcoming of our ability but our CONNECTION with the insider is just not good enough.

Many time i have been asking why the govt and GLC tenders still need to be put up since everyone already know that some how the insiders already pre-selected the winner.

Why not they just openly hand picked the vendor and save everyone all the trouble?

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Saturday, October 27, 2007

Blog Post by Email

Many blogger cannot live withou blogging and the simple way to do this is to setup mail-o-blog and a email access on you mobile. Then you can start mobile blogging

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Earn money on facebook

I think I cannot keep up the latest progress of the web anymore, I have found out about how to earn money on facebook as a developer about a month ago. And it is one of the biggest hits for the web developer since Google Web Toolkit.

How can I still call myself tech savvy, think I have to go to school to improve myself.

Anyway, I have added Cash Cliques on facebook and you can earn 1 point by open an ad link for 30 seconds. 1000 points will earn you a dollar or 2. Not a big amount at all but it is very interesting to understand the business model behind.

The facebook economy has become a hype among internet users. Rumours has it that 2 developers have earned USD 200,000 on facebook within 2 month after their app was published. I wish I can have more information on who are them, what app they have written, etc.

200k loyalty a month? I can retired lerrr ....

Then, there is Second Life, a game that blur the line of virtual life with reality. Second Life is a 3D internet base virtual world where you can practically relive your life. You can meet friends, earn money, buy houses, marry, etc etc. What made Second Life different is people are exchanging the virtual cash on Second Life with real money. It mean you can actually earning real money by playing the game.....

Maybe, I should be thinking of moving to the virtual world

Who is the true pirates?

Ok, the guys who selling pirated VCD are pirate in anyone definition. But in reality, anyone and everyone can be pirate, as long as you lie, you cheat, you betray, etc. So, it is no doubt that I am a pirate and I will do many (dirty) things in order to achieve my goals. hahahahaa ...